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Celebrate An Excellent International Fairy Day With Us

Celebrate An Excellent International Fairy Day With Us

Celebrate An Excellent International Fairy Day With Us

Welcome to Teelie’s Digital and Miniature Shop. On June 24th it will be International Fairy Day and we cannot wait to celebrate it with some incredible miniatures and other fun fairy treasures.           

1:12 Miniature Watermelon Popsicles

International Fairy Day is all about celebrating friendship between fairies and their human believers. How about serving some miniature watermelon popsicles for your fairy friends this year? You can also mix up your own recipe so that you can join in on the refreshments too. Learn more here.

Elegant Pirate Pete Treasures, Dollhouse, Fairy Garden, Miniature, Dragon, Gold Treasure Chest, Glass Vase, Silver Dragon, Pearl, Cute

Perhaps this International Fairy Day, you want to have an adventure and visit some amazing sights like a pirate ship or antique shop. These treasures that Pirate Pete found on an incredible voyage are among the many things you might see. Learn more here.

Tiny Adorable Rainbow Cupcakes, Miniature, Dollhouse, Fairy Garden

These yummy looking cupcakes that have rainbow decorations on them are a great choice for an International Fairy Day celebration. Your fairy friends will love them. You might even want to bake some so that the human believers can enjoy them too. Learn more here.

Time To Play In The Sand, Fairy Garden, Dollhouse, Miniature

A vacation to the beach along with some incredible castle building supplies and a friendly pink turtle companion could be a wonderful adventure for your fairies. This would be a memory of International Fairy Day that they would always carry with them. Learn more here.

Double Decker Cheeseburgers, Lollipops, Miniature, Dollhouse, Fairy Garden

Have you considered hosting a barbecue meal to celebrate your fairy’s presence in your life? We’re sure that they would love it. What would you put on the menu? Perhaps these double decker cheeseburgers as they look scrumptious. Learn more here.

Tommy Tinker Lov'n His Dragon Bubbles Greeting Card

Consider sending friends magical cards as part of your International Fairy Day celebrations. Pictured above is just one magical idea – the Tommy Tinker with his dragon Bubbles greeting card. We love the unique and exclusive design from Teelie Turner. Learn more here.

Felicia The Magical Fairy Book Club Fairy In Passionate Pink Tote Bag

Tote bags are convenient for a number of items including going to the beach, library or picking up some groceries. This beautiful all over print Felicia the Magical Fairy Book Club Fairy tote has a passionate pink background that adds to the enchantment. Learn more here.

The Listening FairyTM Coasters (Set of 4)

Laqueta Latore, The Listening Fairy is excited to be celebrating International Fairy Day with her friends this year. She has some amazing coasters that come in sets of four that you might enjoy. Learn more here.
 Teelie’s Digital and Miniature Shop is going to share some amazing miniatures that you can enjoy for Christmas in July.

Discover some magical fairy signs that you can enjoy here.
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