Welcome to Teelie's Magical Fairies. Explore and discover Fairy Land through enchanted eBooks, party props, instant fairy gardens, bookmarks and other downloadable products which have been prepared for your magical enjoyment.

Once Upon A Time

Welcome to the fairy kingdom, where kings, queens, princesses and princes reign. Have you ever wanted to take part in this timeless fantasy? With our Once Upon A Time collection of beautifully crafted miniature items perfect for instant fairy gardens, dollhouses or other miniature scenes, you can now do just that! This compilation of enchanting pieces includes detailed Royal King and Queen doors for a touch of regal sophistication and elegant crystal carriages to add a little sparkle. Complete your ideal scene with our intricately crafted crowns – an essential for any royal family – and watch your very own magical creation sparkle before your eyes.
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We don't want to give too much away just yet, but at Fairyland we are hard at work on a brand-new collection of breathtaking miniatures! They're sure to be unlike anything you've ever seen. Be sure to stay tuned for more magical surprises from Fairyland!